What Exactly Is a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC)?

A Verified Mark Certificate, or VMC for short, represents a distinctive form of digital certification that empowers both organizations and individuals to prominently display their trademarked logos right alongside the sender’s name in the recipient’s email inbox.

Securing a VMC represents the culmination of a complex procedure intricately linked to DMARC adoption. To obtain a VMC, applicants are entrusted with the responsibility of substantiating the legal trademark status of their logo, an oversight meticulously conducted by accredited trademarking authorities. This journey is further characterized by a stringent series of identity validation measures, including face-to-face verification and the unequivocal confirmation of domain ownership.

VMCs are reserved exclusively for senders who steadfastly uphold DMARC policies with a corresponding BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) record configured in their DNS settings. It is essential to note that many organizations are embracing DMARC enforcement as an effective countermeasure against unauthorized email domain usage, fortifying their identity and shielding both themselves and their email recipients from perils like spoofing and phishing.

VMCs, in essence, elevate the logo to the role of a visual emblem, signaling not only a secure and verified identity but also a steadfast commitment to DMARC enforcement.

How Can You Attain a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC)?
The journey to acquire a VMC mirrors the meticulous validation procedures akin to obtaining an EV SSL certificate. This process encompasses multifaceted identity validation, including in-person verification by authorized entities such as notaries or legal professionals, or even through video conferencing sessions conducted directly with a dedicated member of BrandyMail’s validation team. During these video sessions, applicants are required to display their identification to ensure authenticity. Additionally, BrandyMail conducts a thorough evaluation to verify the logo’s official legal trademark status and adherence to prescribed formatting standards.

For a deeper dive into this subject, you can explore comprehensive insights available on the BrandyMail Blog.